- Sling in Africa
- Sling in Africa
- Sling in Africa
- Sling in Africa
- Sling in Africa
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Sling in Belize
- Now have a Slingball Set
- Dominican Republic
- Dominican Republic
- Slingball inDominican Republic
- Dominican Republic
- Dominican Republic
- Dominican Republic
- Aqua Sling
- Worth no points!
- Palm House Costa Rica
- Sling in Africa
- Palm House Costa Rica
- One of the highlights of our mini family reunion in Taos this past week was our double elimination Slingball tournament. Thanks for the good times. I am sure your mom is very proud of you two. My first job was working for the MS society in the late 70’s and early 80’s and several of the years your Dad was Chairman of the Board. Years later i met Margie while working for another non-profit, IHR. Sometime I hope the timing works for me to attend the Pacific City tournament. Best, Beverly Hafner
- Palm House Costa Rica
- Aqua Sling At the Palm House
- Aqua Sling At the Palm House
- Palm House Tamarindo CR
- Tamarindo Beach Costa Rica
- Tamarindo Beach Costa Rica
- Tamarindo Beach Costa Rica
- Tamarindo Beach Costa Rica
- Tamarindo Beach Costa Rica
- Hawaii Sling
- Hawaii
- Hawaii
- Guam
- Arches National Park
- Zion
- Zion